Əsas Səhifə Konsulluq Press-relizlər Azərbaycan Mətbuat Əlaqə

Press - Reliz Arxivi

• 16.05.2005   PRESS-RELİZ No 36

• 10.05.2005   PRESS-RELİZ No 35

• 02.05.2005   BULLETİN No 09

Press - Reliz
[April 05, 2005]

On April 5, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev arrived at the Embassy of Poland in Baku to offer his condolences on the passing away of the Pope of Rome, John Paul II. In front of the Embassy building, the Azerbaijani leader was welcomed by Charge D’Affaires of Poland to Azerbaijan Wojciech Guretski.

Having expressed sympathy to the Embassy’s officials, President Ilham Aliyev wrote the following words in the mourning book: “I was deeply grieved to learn of the demise of Head of the State of Vatican, outstanding figure of the present, genial person John Paul II. Pope of Rome John Paul devoted his whole life and activities to the service of humanity. He had made invaluable contributions to development and strengthening of relations between Azerbaijan and Vatican. The historical visit by the Pope of Rome to Azerbaijan in 2002, marked a new stage of bilateral relationship.

On behalf of myself and the people of Azerbaijan, I extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Catholics around the world.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

5 April 2005”

Afterwards, President Ilham Aliyev had a conversation with Charge D’Affaires Wojciech Guretski. Recalling his recent visit to Poland, he said: “President, Mr. Kwasnewski showed me the gifts presented by the Pope, and the places where he used to pray, I also visited Krakow, the city where the Pope used to serve as Archbishop. That’s why the news of his death saddened me particularly.”

Wojciech Guretski expressed his deep gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for sharing their sorrow and visiting the Embassy to express condolences.

On April 7, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev left for Rome to attend the funeral of the Head of the State of Vatican, His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

Contact: Shohrat Mustafayev